Initialization Parameters

When loading, you can use several query parameters to customize the initialization behavior of the application.


The startup parameter overrides the default behavior for camera connection on application launch.

By default, does not attempt to connect to a camera automatically when launched for the first time. However, on subsequent launches, if there was a successful camera connection in a previous session, the application will attempt to connect to the most recently used camera.


  • true — attempts to connect to a camera even on first launch,
  • false — never attempts to connect to a camera automatically.


The origin parameter provides an extra layer of security by restricting the Gazefilter communicate only with the specified origin.


The vfp parameter enables polyfilling for Video Frame API, even if the browser supports it.

Can be useful when the browser’s implementation of the Video Frames API has known bugs or issues.

Initialization Example

You can combine multiple parameters using the & symbol:

This initialization URL will attempt to connect to a camera on startup, restrict communication to the specified origin, and enforce Video Frame API polyfilling.